How It Works

Simple. I coach you one on one on your choice of goals, 60 minutes per session, over a series of 3, 6, 8 sessions depending on your goals. We will sit together (in person or virtually) to plan it all out first, find what works the best, and go from there.

Ready to start? Follow the steps:

  • Step 1: Schedule your free 30-minute first call. Schedule Here
  • Step 2: Connect, assess and set goals.
  • Step 3: Propose and design a series of sessions to get you where you want to be. Open to discuss changes.
  • Step 4: Sign the coaching agreement and get started!

What I Do

If you are a Maze Charter, I help you find your gravity in the unstructured 20 something years. I work with you to define a clear direction, set focused goals - life AND career, and walk with high confidence knowing it is your path. I help you explore strategically, instead of wander aimlessly. Together we chart the maze, and you exit at the mountain top.

If you are a Leadership Warrior, I help you strike a balance between who you are and what kind of leader you want to be. Sometimes it takes climbing across a cultural gap. Other times you overcome the roadblock that is you. Even if it’s all in your head, thoughts can be changed and so can behaviors, habits and people around you. I help you build your own strategy for change.

If you are a Path Finder, I help you construct what your ideal career looks like. It’s a design process, a decision and a transition. Before we get there, we find ways to relieve the current pain and make the best use of what you already have. 

If you are a Dream Chaser, I jump in the arena with you and we walk the ambiguous side by side. I coach, guide, push, pull; I support and challenge you to grow you and your business. I celebrate and reflect on learnings with you. And I help you adjust behaviors and mentality. We are a community of two.

If you are a Decision Maker, I help you cut through the noise and connect with who you are at the core. We will simplify the decision-making process and uncover better options. I help you nail down an optimal decision that is true to yourself and at the meantime, make communications with your support and loved ones more constructive and less stressful.